Saturday, April 25, 2020

Jackson Pollock Essay Example

Jackson Pollock Essay When I am in my painting, Im not aware of what Im doing. Itis only after a sort of get acquainted period that I seewhatIhavebeen about. I have no fears about making changes,destroyingtheimage,etc., because the painting has a life of its own. I try to letitcomethrough. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is amess. Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give andtake,andthepaintingJackson Pollock was a revolutionary artist of his times. His visionof painting brought a revolution in the world of art.InthispaperIwill delve into the life of the great artist and throw light on hisachievements as perceived through the society. Pollocks work is highly distinctivefrom other artists of histimesduetothetechniquedescribedas action paintings. His critics describe his work ofartasthedistributionof color and shapes that create undifferentiated symmetry making hispaintings sadistic, with emphasis on strong emotional disorientation that waspresent in his turbulent lifest yle. Though his work was chaotictoothersofthe same genre the paintings were masterpieces of precision.Jackson Pollock was born on 28 January 1912, in Cody, Wyoming, to his parents LeRoy McCoy Pollock and Stella McClure Pollock. The family relocated to Arizona and later California when Pollock was less than a year old.His paintings contain childhood memories of seeing his father work as a surveyor and on road crews at the Grand Canyon and in the Southwest. Pollock, Precisely, his work is greatly influenced by the picturesqueHis interest in developing his passion into a career was fostered while attending Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles.Charles and Sanford, his siblings, were also budding artists. In 1930 Pollock moved to the east coast and began to attend Bentons class at the Lea